westlife好听的歌曲 westlife经典歌词

莫娜号 1


1、西城经典的歌很多,这些只是前3张专辑中经典的,都很好听,尽情享受吧01SwearItAgain02IfILetYouGo03FlyingWithoutWings04FoolAgain05WhatMakesAMan06IDon'tWannaFight07ILayMyLoveOnYou08PuzzleOfMyHeart09SeasonsInTheSun10NoPlaceThatFar11MissYou12EveryLittleThingYouDo13QueenOfMyHeart14TryAgain15WhatIWantIsWhatI'veGot16WeAreOne17UptownGirl18WhyDoILoveYou19IWannaGrowOldWithYou20WorldOfOurOwn21WalkAway西城男孩-my love西城男孩-try again西城男孩-uptown girl西城男孩-to be with you西城男孩-seasons in the sun西城男孩、后街男孩--unbreakable西城男孩-i lay my love on you西城经典的歌很多,这些只是前3张专辑中经典的,都很好听,尽情享受吧01 Swear It Again02 If I Let You Go03 Flying Without Wings04 Fool Again05 What Makes A Man06 I Don't Wanna Fight07 I Lay My Love On You08 Puzzle Of My Heart09 Seasons In The Sun10 No Place That Far11 Miss You12 Every Little Thing You Do13 Queen Of My Heart14 Try Again15 What I Want Is What I've Got16 We Are One17 Uptown Girl18 Why Do I Love You19 I Wanna Grow Old With You20 World Of Our Own21 Walk Away经典歌曲1. seasons in the sun2. yoaise me up3. my love4. to be with you5. flying without wing...6. if i let you go7. my girl8. all out of love9. soledad10. i lay my love on yo...home,,,yoaise me up1. seasons in the sun2. yoaise me up3. my love4. to be with you5. flying without wing...6. if i let you go7. my girl8. all out of love9. soledad10. i lay my love on yo...11.when you l me that you love me12.that's where you find love。


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